Sunday, April 21, 2013


Japan Tour UNLIMITED-広島で キム・ヒュンジュンは「韓国の放送局には出ないといけませんので、毎週お会いできます。そして、ファンの皆さんは忘れません」と言いました。だから、キム・ヒュンジュンはSBSの「はだしのともだち」reality game showを参加しました。本当にキム・ヒュンジュンは言ったことをしました。

今日は episode1をon-airしまたよ。皆さん見ましたか。ベトナム語と英語のじまくまだがないので、私はあまり分からない。でも、とっても面白いそう!(笑)

“It’s been a while since I’ve promoted in Korea, I think my unique character, which hasn’t been seen in a long time, will bring joy on Sunday nights.”

それでは今から毎週の日曜日4:50午後 キム・ヒュンジュンに会えます。SBS On-Airのlinkこちらですよ「Link1」「Link2」「Link3」「Link4」。

Members have to pick 2 favorites among them. 
And KHJ was no.1 at the popularity vote. 
KangHoDong and UEE voted for KHJ because KHJ's handsome.

バスで「Banh Mi Kep Thit」を食べていました。おいしかったね。。。これ。。。



KHJ: We learned "cheap & expensive" in Vietnamese yesterday. Are they selling us away?
We are "cheap", "expensive" and came from KR.

All laughing. 面白いキム・ヒュンジュン

KHJ: Look! They (the crew) didn't let us know that we are going downhill.

Piggy eye mask かわいいね.

KHJ: This is the first time I've been in desert. However, the sand color is very red than I expected.

KHJ: Wow that's big (the flying cam is flying toward the members). 
KHJ: Oh Hyun, you'd better sit down (members got annoyed sand blown by the wind by the flying cam).
KHD is reading a mission "live for 24 hrs just like VN locals". 
KHJ: Is it kinda writing a survival daily log? How about sleeping? Finding a place to sleep is also up to us?

KHD: Can we really live like VN locals for 24 hours?

KHJ: I kinda like that. To live like the locals here in VN that will be an unforgettable memory in my life. 

Lying in hammock... ちょっとだけ...

Have to earn money, therefore have to put out to sea to catch fishes...

English translation:
- howlovelylala@twitter
- allkpop 

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