Tuesday, June 11, 2013

ファンミ - Party people - Seoul ②





KHJ: was slim from shaking so many hands in Japan
KHJ: trying to play the flute again - the melody he failed in Barefoot Friends (still fail)

KHJ: his little finger is very weak and has to use flute for ladies!
KHJ: sounds as though he's not keen on his house being broadcast

2-Game (シンデレラパーティー)
20 fans came to the stage (KHJ put 20 masks under their seats).

- 1st question eliminated a half of contestants: a one-piece cute dress or denim when going to a party
KHJ : prefer a one-piece cute dress

- 2nd question : does he like the fans who blush when they see him (A) or the ones who approach with funny sign (B)?

- 3rd question : what would he like to do with the ladies. Pajama party (A) or camp fire (B)?
KHJ : didn't know what A was. Wants to do both, so he said pass

- 4th question : Would he like to go ocean or mountains?
KHJ : mountain

- 5th question : Date - indoor or outdoor?
KHJ : outdoor

By the way, this is elimination game. One person left. KHJ hugged her before she left.
Last 2 people have to take off mask

- 6th question : KHJ didn't have lunch. Given a choice of fried chicken or ramen?
KHJ : didn't want to eat

KHJ's putting on a shoe for Cinderella. The last two fans, both of them fit his shoe!!!
So they have to pick a ball out... The one with no signature is Cinderella.
The one left with a huh from KHJ.
Cinderella gets a photo with KHJ,  and he put on shoe for her.

KHJ : would continue with Barefoot Friends.
KHJ : calculated that he's shaken hands about 250000 times in his life... he figures is 10 times/day.
KHJ : will probably lose his fingerprints in the near future from all the handshakes.

3-Hi5 session

Report : loving_khj@twitter
Photo : as tagged

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