Saturday, June 8, 2013

CD Premiere - Tonight

The premiere of album Tonight happened on June 4, 2013. I attended this premiere. Woke up at 05:30 AM, took train to Nakano Station at 06:40 AM, and then got in the line at 06:50 AM. I was the 1655th person... (^_^).

Around 09:00 AM, CD selling started... and I bought 2 CDs to get the ticket of the 1st event at 10:10 AM. 
So many fans came that day.

Then I continued getting in the line to enter the hall. Waiting time was approximate 2 hours, from 10:30 to 12:30 AM... So tired because of the sunlight, and I did not have breakfast as well as lunch.

I was so lucky cause I was sat down near the stage, the first floor, 8th row and 9th seat...

After watching 2 MV "Tonight" and "Cappuccino"... KHJ appeared on the stage...

... tall and thin... and in black...

People wanted to celebrate KHJ's birthday early. Fans sang a birthday song in Korean...  すごいなぁ... I sang in English, but people around me sang in Korean... and I felt that I was alone... This made me laugh so much... I could not sing any more.

Then, we watched a short movie of KHJ. He went to scuba diving at Okinawa.

Next, KHJ continued answering some questions...

We watched the third MV 「君だけを消せなくて」 and leaved the hall for buying next 2 CDs to attend the handshake session. This time was about 01:40 PM.

And 02:40 PM... I could buy CDs to get the ticket for handshake event... (^.^) Then, continued getting the line to enter the hall again. It's 04:20 PM, I could sat down my seat in the hall, watched KHJ who was shaking hands with fans, and waited for my turn.

My handshake turn ended at 04:50 PM. Reading the news after that, KHJ shook hands 6 hours continuously... It's terrible... but KHJ wanted that... admire him so much...

Photo credit : as tagged

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